Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The best... FREE App... I've ever downloaded!!!!

If you are like me with technology, you are always using it in your classroom for various things.  As a music teacher I am big on the idea of multimedia... I show tons of pictures, let them listen to lots of music (go figure), show lots of videos, and use my iPad to display just about everything under the sun.

This is where Doceri comes in...

Here's the App's icon so you know you got the right one!!

I admit to you right now that I use Doceri EVERY DAY in my classroom.  I've got an iPad and an AppleTV set up in my room, and Doceri is open all the time.  The kids even know how to use it because I have them edit things on it.  I have also used Doceri to flip my classroom for the recorder, recording myself teaching the songs to the kids so they can learn it at home and come to school to test  or get some refining help.  I have also used Doceri to teach a lesson to leave for a sub... yup... I gave the sub the youTube link and she pressed play... no sub plan needed!!

Here is a list of a few ways you can use Doceri:

1. Use it as a white board... only mobile because you can hand it to a student to write on.
2. Take a picture of a piece of music or a text and use Doceri's markers/highlighters/shapes... to annotate it.
3. Record a lesson where you are writing on the "board" and post it for parents or for students to get extra help.
4. Record a lesson for a kid who was absent!!
5. Create a slide show with a voice over... or have the KIDS create a slideshow with a voice over!
6. Use the staff background to compose music as a class!!

and my personal favorite....
7. Have your iPad on Airplay... stand in the hall where the kids can't see you after their teacher dropped them off... and write messages like "STOP talking" and "I'm watching you!!!!" for them... totally freaks all of them out.

Screen shot off of the Apple iTunes site!

Seriously, this is something that I use very often and it is free, so get excited and try it out... it changed my teaching... and made it sooooo much easier.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

New to Teachers Pay Teachers

So, I'm the kind of person who loves creating things... Many of my friends know that I love drawing and doodling to my heart's content.  I also love creating things for my classroom... I like being able to pull out of a cabinet any number of resources to work one for any given day!

I decided to join my love of those two things by creating things for Teachers Pay Teachers this school year.  Yes, I can view it as a money-making endeavor, but I feel like when I've bought things from there, they really have been soooo useful!!

So here is the link to my newest product, which is a set of 5 worksheets for reinforcing and/or assessing Ta, ti-ti, and sh.  I use these with my first graders as centers, for use with a sub, and for extra home help as well!  Check it out, and download my two freebies... I've got lots of ideas, so hopefully I'll be able to get some of them cranked out and online!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

iDoceo... the best 7.99 I ever spent in my life!!!

My new favorite app in the entire universe.... iDoceo.  I've even got my P.E. teacher hooked!

As a specials teacher it is SOOOOOO hard to keep track of over 700 kids, plans for 5 different grade levels, grades for all those kids, and the logistics of school (1W goes to P.E. from music on Monday, but 2M comes from LRC to music on Thursday).  I HAVE FOUND THE SOLUTION!!

You need to check out the website to see everything, but I can tell you that just two weeks into school and I'm already so glad that I purchased the 7.99 app for my school's iPad.  If you aren't convinced... I can give you ten things right now that I LOVE about it.

1. I can search the name of a kid in the home screen and it takes me to them in the grade book in their class... without actually typing in the whole name.

2. I can put student's pictures into their class seating chart to learn names.

3. I can add things like pretests and icon notes (smiley face/sad face, etc.) into the grade book without it counting for their grade.

4. 700 kids can actually fit in the app!

5. I can lesson plan within the app, and it allows me to bump all lessons forward or back if needed because of a forgotten field trip or assembly.

6.  I can attach power points, songs, pics, etc. to each lesson via DropBox and other cloud services.

7.  You can back up your data to the iPad AND a cloud service.

8.  I can pick a random student, put a class into pairs, put a class into groups of three... all with the touch of a button.

9. I can flag a student or change the color of their name box to alert me about medical issues AND put the notes within that student's profile.

10.  It makes teaching EASIER for me... It's all in one place.

Please check out the link to the website and learn more about it... AND go get it in the app store!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Getting Ready for the 2014-2015 School Year!!

The first thing that I wanted to do this year is look back on my blog from last year... and then I was somewhat mad at myself!!!!  Here is what I wrote last year at this time:

Goals for 2013-2014 School Year

1. Send home access to the final projects of at least two grade levels. (i.e. the songs that they record, etc.)

2. Post on professional blog (this one) at least once a month.

3. Have 5th Grade Students on edmodo from the beginning of the year.

4. Finish the school music page!!!!!!!!  (I've been slowly but surely getting this done, but I keep forgetting to finish)

Number 1: DID IT!!!  I posted the kids' final projects online at my school blog, and it was received very well by my parents, which made me super happy!!

Number 2: ........ nope.

Number 3: This started out well, but I admit that it fizzled out...  However, I think that I've figured out how to do similar things without the avenue of edmodo, which makes me happy!!

Number 4: This comes with a whole bunch of background to it, and I admit that it didn't get done... but the reasons were out of my control.

Now... with that said, new goals for the 2014-2015 school year:

1. Keep up with School Blog, posting at least once a week like last year!

2. Start posting at least once a month on professional blog.

3. Post all assessments self created on Mastery Connect for other teacher access.

4. Plan quarters at a time for grade levels, getting everything ready that is possible, including playlists, copying, etc.

So, there you have it, my first post of the new school year.  Next post will be about the AMAZING iPad app, iDoceo, which I plan on using all school year as my planning and grade book, and I'm super crazy excited about it based on all that I've been doing with it this summer in prep for the upcoming school year!