Back to school!!! This post really isn't going to have anything that is remotely productive for the rest of you, but I just want to tell you all that we are back in school in my district as of today. There is just something about that first day back with all those kids looking at you and getting excited about the new school year.
There is comfort in knowing your past students so well that it doesn't surprise you when one of them is crawling like a dog around the floor during the game because he is CLEARLY not used to being back at school again. There is comfort in the hug that you receive from the one who hugged you every time they came into music last year. There is joy when a parent comes up to you to tell you that their son said that the thing he was most excited about for this school year was getting to see you again. There is joy in meeting a new student for the first time and they smile and laugh when you say "Who are you and Where do you come from??" in a voice that tells them that you are just trying to be silly to make them feel welcome. There is pride in introducing yourself to a new group of 1st graders and having a few raise their hands when you ask them if they know your name and then tell you that their big brother or sister talked about you all the time. There is pride when you open the doors in the morning and the parents drop the child off and say "Don't worry, Miss Rains will make sure you get down there okay!"
My favorite really is getting the younger siblings for the first time in first grade. Today we didn't do much in first grade music, because it is my tradition that I have every student sing me their name. In between rows we sing "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" and I start to take out words and the little ones giggle like someone is permanently at their sides tickling them. I watched one of those younger siblings today, who I knew from when they were just a baby, and my heart sang when the smile never left his face. He giggled, he sang his name, he laughed through singing "If you're Happy and You Know It Shake Your Booty" (because that is the best version... that and do the disco), and I could tell that all that his siblings said before came true before his eyes. Miss Rains really is as crazy as they've said she was all these years.
I LOVE the first day of school.
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