Today was a FANTASTIC day in the life of Miss Rains! I went in with another techie from my building to install more of the AppleTVs in our building (which is excitement in itself), and found that they had finally installed the second computer in my classroom. We recently (2 years ago) switched to a completely virtualized network in our school district, and got all new thin clients for our classrooms. Each classroom teacher received two for their classroom. Well... I didn't. Being a specials teacher sometimes excludes us from these things, so I assumed that I wouldn't get a second computer in the room even thought I would totally use it all the time! In a conversation I had with our head of technology in the district, it came up that I would love to have a second computer in my room to which he replied "You don't have two computers in here?" with a look of shock on his face. Come to find out that art and music were supposed to have two computers this whole time! A year after this conversation and I finally get my second computer. Here are the ideas that I have for said computers....
1. Depending on the subject, use as a center for a few kids at a time to practice skills (note reading, rhythms, etc.)
2. Research station for projects (Multicultural, Railroad songs, Sea Shanties, etc.)
3. Listening Centers!!
4. Video watching Centers!!
5. Project Creation (.ppt, Web 2.0, etc.)
Basically, this is awesome because I can have kids working with the technology more often. I've decided that I'm going to primarily use my Mac (yes, I am a convert) with the AppleTV to teach from, which leaves the two computers in my room wide open for exploring other things. This is exciting... and as I think of more things to do, I'll post some ideas!
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