Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My Classroom

I thought that I would let everyone check out my new theme for the school year!!  Our school theme is genres, jumping on board with the Common Core Standards and working on academic focus.  Well, of course, I'm going to use this opportunity to talk to the kids about musical genres as well.

The above picture is what is going on in the front of my classroom, my "desk" (two random tables) is there on the left, with my randomness bulletin board that has my schedule.  The black cart next to it houses my document camera every year, which is quite nice.  Then the top runner has Country, Pop, Jazz, Classical, and Rock artist around it so kids can see all different people in music.

Then we have the back of my classroom with the digital piano, some boomwhackers, and our theme title.  The blue stripe on the back is an idea I stole off Pinterest of having a timeline.  I'm going to have the kids talk about what they learned at the end of each unit and we're going to put up some cool stuff for what we've done.

The white bookcase (a new donation from my third grade pal Nicki) has crayon boxes, markers, white boards, dry erase markers, white boards, clipboards, and basically everything that the kids need to work on all their stuff in class.

On this front board, I'm going to put different reminders up about upcoming dates and tests and things like that.  I just laminated some cardstock, so I can use a vis a vis or I can use dry erase markers on it.

Here are my file folders for 2nd-5th grade.  Each class is a different color and each student has a numbered folder.  This way, when they are doing group projects or anything like that, they can just put things in their folders and it is their responsibility to make sure it is in the right place.  It's actually quite nice to have them keep track of their stuff!!

So that is my classroom basically.  My other wall has a bunch of boring cabinets that you don't want to see.  For now that's all I got going on, and I'll be posting some new stuff later on as we are getting into the school year.

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